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Writer's picturemikejd1

Who's More Foolish? The Fool, Or the Fool Who Follows Them: Politics in America

Typical politician

2024 is shaping up to be an interesting election year. I'm not sure if we've ever seen anything like it. And much like our societal loss of creativity, I fear that the art of politicking has become much like modern art, confusing and literal shit. Gone are the days of the great political speech. If one views the speechwriting team for Joe Biden, it looks like a college glee club. There are no true adults in the room. And most of the actual speeches are just platitudes and hyperbole. Nothing of substance is ever addressed. The same can be true for Donald Trump, but much of what he says is off the cuff and often hilarious. If I didn't know better, I would think that he may be the world's greatest troll. He's also one lucky SOB. Nothing bad ever affects him, even a bullet with his name on it. Talk about the hand of God. Soon we are going to be losing America's favorite senile grandpa and have a battle between two probably not so smart individuals. One one side we have the Vice President, someone who has never met a word salad that she didn't enjoy. Don't believe me; look it up. It's amazing that someone this bad can fail upward. But considering the rumors on how she worked her way to the top, maybe success had nothing to do with it. But I often see "people on the street" interviews where the interviewee is asked about a particular political candidate and why they support this person. In a majority of the responses, answers can range from liking how they look, they can "relate" to them (?), they are just like them or any other idiotic answer. When asked about a certain policy, the subject of the interview often laughs nervously and says that they really don't know anything about the policy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you support a politician, shouldn't you at least read up on their positions? Or is that too much to ask. Supporters of Donald Trump often have similar answers but can do better with policy as Trump smartly sticks to a few main areas of his agenda; borders, war and finances. And Trump also has a very loyal following that hang on his every word so his supporters are bombarded by policy issues. But it seems like we're following the most unimpressive people off a cliff. I cannot understand how anyone can worship a politician, within both parties. The same can be said for celebrities. I can see, during the early days of our great nation, idolizing George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. These were stately gentlemen; one brave on the battlefield and one utilizing his pen as a weapon. Both with much success. Even during the twentieth century we had leaders that seemed to us as intelligent and stately. Heck, even Bill Clinton connected with both parties as his charisma charmed even the most ardent opponent. And as much as I loath FDR, at least he gave speeches that are now considered important pieces of history. I'm sure that speeches by modern politicians will not be viewed with such reverence. Maybe all of the intelligent men and women of this country are smart enough not to run for political office. They realize the cutthroat world of D.C. is not where their talents can be best utilized. You don't often see surgeons, physicists or engineers running for office. Which could be good or bad. What we often end up with is a bunch of smarmy lawyers who would sell their own family down the river for a small bit of power and prestige. Folks, I hate to break it to you but idolizing a politician is not a good use of your time. They don't care about you at all, unless they want something from you. And it's not as if the vote of the commoners matters, the one's that have the most influence on politics are nameless and wealthy; the donor class. So who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows them? The answer is the follower. We should have a better sense of who these people are and what they truly do. Maybe because I myself delve into the nasty world of politics, I have a better understanding of the true characters of office holders. Most people are influenced by the popular news sites and programs, much of them unfortunately have become propaganda is recent years. Not that they were ever fair but it has become more blatant now. So do your own research, become knowledgeable in your office holders, especially within local government. As for who we should look up to, well, any number of people. But any common person who works hard, provides for their family, helps their neighbors would be a great start. Think of the construction worker who provides the infrastructure that we use each and every day. The Amazon delivery workers who put in long hours every day. The farmer that feeds us and works sunup until sundown. These are the common people that we should idolize. So next time you're in your local polling station, think about your decision and how it will truly affect you and others.

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