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Writer's picturemikejd1

Has All Creativity Been Lost?

The Mona Lisa

Has all creativity been lost? There's a reason that most people revere the past. It was a time of wonder, when much of the world remained unknown. That wonder also contributed to the arts. Painting and sculpting during the centuries prior to the twentieth produced numerous masterpieces. There's a reason that many art lovers embark on a pilgrimage to witness the beauty of the Mona Lisa. Or to gaze in awe at the statue of David. These works are truly wonderous and were done by men of great talent. Music was another artform that in which great works were composed by men like Mozart and Beethoven, Bach and Salieri. Take a listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons and you will become lost in the music. So what has happened. Recently a song called WAP, a vulgar reference to female genitalia was a popular song, even amongst the younger crowd (sidenote: the "singer" of this song performed at a rally for Kamala Harris, don't let that slip your mind). And this song is not alone. It seems that modern popular music has become filled with references to sex, drugs, drinking and body parts. Much of it done to a redundant beat or stolen from a song that was popular many years previous. In the world of the visual arts, modern, so-called art is often nothing more than trash, sometimes literal trash. Maybe I have a skewed view of art but if it's something that I can personally do, then it is not art. It's trash. And most people realize it but don't want to seem out of the in group that praises it. In other words, it's value is based upon false pretenses. It's value is not in the beauty but rather in what others think other people think of it. If that makes sense. If it's seen as fashionable and hip. Excuse me, but sculpting literal shit is not art. That's something that a deranged individual would "create." There is still some art left that does take talent to create but it is often overshadowed by garbage. As time progresses, the arts have become more and more, well, shitty. The question is why? Could it be that more forms of entertainment have eclipsed the more classic forms? In modern times there are many more distractions so one cannot focus solely on one discipline. Have the tastes of individuals changed? Music from not that far bag, the sixties, seventies and eighties was often written by the artist and played by the artist. The acts from these decades did not utilize multiple songwriters to compose their hits. Yes, some rock groups did use co-writers but the music was still performed by the musical group and they still had a major input on the writing. So maybe it's laziness. It is a talent to sing on stage but sadly even that seems to have gone by the wayside. I dare one to find a single video of Jennifer Lopez singing live. Or any other major pop act. Guess what? You'll find zero. Nirvana, a very talented band, had the opposite occur. They refused to lip sync on Top of the Pops and even made a mockery of it. The same has been occurring in politics. Thomas Jefferson hoped for a natural elite to rise to the top and become members of government. By elite he meant actual intelligent individuals, solely men, that would secure the rights of the citizenry. This did occur for a time but eventually become a modern day circus. Just watch any recent political debate and tell me that these people have any clue what they're discussing. Instead we rely on celebrities who seem to have no actual brain and act like robots while repeating the same political taglines with no substance. It's absurd and we all know it but go along with it. I really don't care what George Clooney has to say. Until he has lived a year as an average citizen then he should just shut up and enjoy his wealth. That's what I would do. You would never hear a political opinion from me. Be more like Daniel Day Lewis. He acts, gets awards, then remains a recluse. Good for him. Someone to be praised. We as a people need to once again find that spart of creativity or we risk becoming a real life version of Idiocracy.

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